How we approach insurance planning

Protecting you is our priority.

Ensuring financial security is the primary focus of our Financial Security Advisor team. Our advisors take a holistic approach to financial security planning and listen attentively to our clients to fully understand their insurance and investment planning needs.

We have a non-pressured approach that involves learning about our clients' financial and personal situations to ensure that our advice is never driven by sales targets. We believe that understanding a client's personal priorities is crucial in providing informed opinions. Our priority is to help clients safeguard what is most important to them with the best insurance products available in Canada.

Griffin Financial Holdings Inc was formed in 2014 by Principal Financial Security Advisor Bob Griffin. Now serving over 400 clients, Griffin Financial continues to grow its advisor network and client base. Griffin Financial's community approach is to work closely with Newfoundlanders and Labradorians help protect the health, and wealth, of the people.

Health benefits and insurance coverage is the cornerstone of a happy and safe environment for employees and their families. Protecting people in their time of need, when they need protection the most. That is why health benefits and insurance coverage is the main mandate of Griffin Financial.

Pension and retirement planning is another cornerstone of a happy and safe environment for communities. Griffin Financial works diligently to ensure its community is planning for a safe retirement. We want you to have a safe, more financially stable, tomorrow. The growth and preservation of wealth leads families and their communities to prosperity.

As your Financial Security Advisor, we want to work with you to help you achieve your financial goals. Each client is unique, and by recognizing this, we can find the best product solutions to meet your individual needs.

Book an appointment to speak with an advisor and start planning for all stages of life.